The vast behavioural competences in the FinxS Library and its blank canvas give us the opportunity to create fully-customized, purpose-specified reports.

Clients get best results by taking steps to align the reports to their unique circumstances.

The process is guided by the notion that if you could create someone to do the job (perform the role) this Ideal Job Template would reflect how the individual would behave in the role.

The weighted behavioural competences represented by the red blocks in the image below represents that Ideal Job Template. The black blocks represents the degree of match of the individual against the ideal. The percentages reflect the degree of fit.


By incorporating this insightful feature in the Extended DISC assessments you add a totally different dimension to the behavioural assessment.


The DISC Framework offers a significant difference with respect to its ease of interpretation. The Extended DISC reports provide information in easily digestible text and graphics to facilitate self-interpretation.

They are easily understood and respondents quickly gain awareness of their own behaviour and their behaviour in relation to others. Team and comparative reports provide insights that are simply not available from any other source.


Extended DISC assessments can be completed from any smart device 24/7/365.

The questionnaire takes only 10 minutes to complete. It is available in over 70 languages. Being able to complete the questionnaire in one’s native language adds great validity to the assessment.

Upon completion, the results are sent electronically to nominated parties. You have the option of including the respondent in that list.

Setting up and getting assessments completed goes like clockwork. Our expert team is available to create the reports – including working with you to glean the information to develop the Ideal Job Template.

Of course, we are also happy to empower your team to complete the process with administrative access to the revolutionary FinxS Platform.

One point of differentiation with Extended DISC is that once someone is entered into the FinxS database you can perform an unlimited number of operations on that individual. You can see how they match up against any competence in the library and match them up against any Ideal Job Template.

This is a powerful aid to Career Development and Succession Planning.

Extended DISC – Logistics